Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



Negotiations on extending cooperation with DIN CERCTO

On December 3, 2019, representatives of SZU, Mr. Michal Dvořáček and Mr. Jan Horák, met with a team of DIN CERTCO experts on the possibilities of deepening mutual cooperation.

A team of DIN CERTCO experts led by Mr. Sören Scholz, head of the Certification Body of this company, welcomed representatives of the SZU at its headquarters in Berlin. The central point of the meeting was the agreement on closer mutual cooperation between the two parties with the aim of expanding the portfolio of services of the SZU to include other activities focused not only on German territory. The main focus of our interest was in the area of product certification and the awarding of “DIN” quality marks for products and services that are currently in demand in Germany. Both companies plan to continue the ongoing discussions.

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