Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.

Safes, locks and miscellaneous fittings

We provide services in testing and certification and give expert opinions on mechanical security barrier systems and secure storage units, particularly in areas of their resistance to penetration, durability, functionality and security in functioning, according to Czech and European standards.  

We have a contract with the National Security Authority (NBÚ), concerning the activities in issuing expert opinions on properties of technical means for protection of classified information.

Certification and surveillance – Regulated areas

Pursuant to Government Regulation (GR) 163/2002 Coll., laying down technical requirements for selected construction products (products intended for application on escape routes) – Annex 2, Product list 8, Group 2:

Pursuant to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 305/2011 of 9 March 2011 (Construction Products Regulation – CPR):

Assessment of technical means for protection of classified information within the scope of accreditation by the National Security Authority (NBÚ)

We issue expert opinions on properties of technical means for protection of classified information pursuant to the provisions of Section 52 and Section 46 (15) of Act 412/2005 Coll., on protection of classified information and security capacity, as amended by regulations for technical means pursuant to Act 412/2005 Coll., Section 30 (1) (a).

Product conformity assessment to normative documents – unspecified products

If there is no ČSN or other standard available that would apply to a product, such a product can be tested on a request to a customer's requirement and regulation (a company standard etc.).




Who can you reach out to?

Luděk Draštík

Luděk Draštík

Safety and Storage Elements Specialist
+420 483 348 259
+420 601 092 879


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