Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



SZU International Seminar


On 21 October 2015, we hosted an International Seminar with focus on conformity assessment on a global scale. The Seminar was one of the events we held to celebrate 50th anniversary of our using the name Strojírenský zkušební ústav.

The participants came from many parts of the world - starting with Korea, Taiwan and Turkey, through to Finland, Belgium and Serbia, and ending with Columbia. It was an exceptional event, which provided a platform for sharing the experience, different approaches and know-how of the Far and the Middle East, Europe and South America, within the TIC sector (Testing, Certification and Inspection).

More than ten speakers contributed to the discussion on some key topics in the field, the common factor of which is the safety and sustainability of the global world from the perspective of the organizations whose aim it is to assess and verify conformity with what should be applied in comparison to what actually exists.

The representatives of the International Confederation of Inspection and Certification Organisations - CEOC, Mr Drewin Nieuwenhuis (Secretary General) and Mr Simo Hassi (President of CEOC International) were amongst those who gave their presentations, and who included our partners and the representatives of SZU abroad (SZU Slovakia, SZUTEST Turkey, SZU Korea, SZU Taiwan, SZU Hungary, SZU Balkan, and of SZU agencies that are being established in Columbia and Romania)


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