Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



New cooperation initiative of SZU in the Middle East - Establishment of SZU Israel


In connection with the new developments of business cooperation and along with new challenges identified in the Middle East, a row of meetings with new partners of SZU from Israel has been held recently. Messrs. Shlomo Targan and Roni Korotkov, representatives of the Israeli consultant company CH4 Eng. & Consultants, became the new representatives of our company in Israel. The main focus of our newly established commercial representation „SZU Israel“ will thus be not only its support for the implementation of inspection activities at facilities designed for natural gas in Israel, but also related commercial activities of SZU Israel in the field of certification of local products pursuant to EU legislation


Mr. Roni Korotkov

Mr. Shlomo Targan


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