Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



Hydrogen fuel cells - we participate in the development of technology of the future

On September 17, 2021, SZU concluded a key Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and mutual technical cooperation with two major Korean institutions in the field of hydrogen fuel cells.

In addition to the SZU, this tripartite agreement also includes two Korean partners: the Woosuk Hydrogen Fuel Cell Regional Innovational Center ("WFRIC") and the Hydrogen Convergence Alliance ("H2KOREA"). The agreement was signed on behalf of the SZU by the director Tomáš Hruška, who handed over this Memorandum as a "successful relay" to the General Director of SZU Korea Jae-young Oh, who represents our company and spreads the good name of SZU in Korea.

Thanks to its Korean partner SZU Korea, SZU, as an internationally respected authority in the field of testing, inspection and certification, has established promising cooperation in the newly developed high-tech field of "hydrogen fuel cells". Both Korean institutions, WFRIC and H2KOREA, play a key role in promoting new hydrogen fuel cell industries in Korea.

SZU, together with the WFRIC, represented by Hongki Lee, and H2KOREA, represented by Sung-bok Kim, have concluded a cooperation agreement to promote mutual benefit and development through the promotion of domestic and international standards and certification-related information. The purpose of this Agreement is to contribute to the close cooperation and development of all three Parties by promoting the sharing of information and technical cooperation concerning hydrogen fuel cells.


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