Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



Commercial representative of SZU in Iran attended a proficiency training


Head of our SZU Iran Commercial Representation,Mr. Soroush Arvand,has completed a comprehensive one-week qualification training at SZU in Brno that was focused on the specifics and technical details of each type of certification and divided into several core product areas.

SZU expects that not only thanks to this training but also to a better understanding of processes by SZU Iran as well as by its becoming acquainted with other SZU staff, a more intense development in trade between the two countries may be achieved. This is of course the primary goal that SZU would also like to contribute to along with its expertise and experience gained from its past activities and services offered in other Middle East countries.

We wish our representative from SZU Iran much success in his work on behalf of SZU!


Mr. Soroush Arvand
Commercial representation Director of SZU in Iran

Tel: +98-21-44625084 (5)
Fax: 44625086
Mob.: +98-912-3077862



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