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Certificates according to Technical Reglements of Customs Union - Changes


Certificates according to Technical Reglements of Customs Union - Changes


A conformity certificate according to Technical Reglements of Customs Union (TR CU) is a document confirming the products' conformity with Technical Reglements within the territory of Customs Union (together with a declaration of conformity).

With the formation of Customs Union in 2011-2013, Technical Reglements CU came into effect, and according to these, assessment of products' conformity is performed within the territory of Customs Union.

From 2015, there will be a united system of certification and only the certificates according to Technical Reglements CU will be issued (with the exception of a small specified group of products).

Conformity certificates according to TR CU are required for import, putting into operation and selling of products in the Customs Union states (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan).

Certification procedure will be more complicated and the requirements stricter.

An important condition will be the fact that conformity certificates according to TR CU will only be issued at the premises of Customs Union entities and in the certificates the manufacturers from abroad will be indicated as Contractor.

Information about services offered by SZU for Customs Union //


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