Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.

Case study - acceptance testing of industrial pumps for Sigma

We present you a case study carried out for the company SIGMA GROUP a.s., a leading manufacturer of heavy industrial pumps and pumping systems. The company entrusted us to perform acceptance tests, which play an important role in verifying the quality and performance of an industrial pumping unit for the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (BLOCK 1) Turkey.

Our team led by Ing. Antonín Kolbábek, Ph.D. successfully carried out acceptance tests of four hydrodynamic pumps type A600-HVBW-1080-90-D1-180-FE with electric motor.

We performed testing and evaluation of various aspects of the pumps - hydraulic performance parameters and vibration measurement and evaluation.

Acceptance tests carried out by a third party independent accredited body guarantee the manufacturing companies:

  1. Unbiased evaluation - The external accredited body follows precise standards and procedures, ensuring an unbiased evaluation of the products without any influence from the manufacturer. It can be used to compare test results with other bodies, bringing transparency.
  2. Credibility of results - A third party that is independent and accredited has no interest in the test results. This ensures the objectivity and independence of the evaluation, which is key to the credibility of the results.
  3. Verified quality - Hiring an independent third party to perform acceptance testing can serve as external verification of product quality. This can provide customers with confidence that products have undergone an independent and professional evaluation.
  4. Customer confidence - Customers typically have more confidence in products that have been tested by an independent body, which can lead to a stronger brand image and greater trust from business partners and customers.
  5. Competitiveness - The involvement of an independent third party can provide manufacturers with strong guarantees of objectivity in testing, high quality of their products and transparency of processes, which are key factors for competitiveness in the market.

"At SZU, our primary focus is on certification of specific custom manufacturing." Ing. Antonín KOLBÁBEK, Ph.D., Hydraulic and Pressure Equipment Section Manager.

We are proud to be part of this exciting industry by collaborating on this contract.



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