Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.




Seminář Manipulační vozíky v roce 2020

Seminář Manipulační vozíky v roce 2020

Jako každoročně Vás srdečně zveme na letošní seminář Manipulační vozíky v roce 2020, který se bude konat ve středu 23. září 2020 v prostorách SZÚ Brno.

18. 6. 2020

We are expanding our competencies within the ENplus certification scheme

We are expanding our competencies within the ENplus certification scheme

SZU has recently become a recognized inspection and certification body of the ENplus® wood pellet certification scheme.

5. 6. 2020

SZU is a partner of the iNETME project

SZU is a partner of the iNETME project

Since June 2019, the EAA has been a partner of the iNETME project aimed at supporting greater involvement of scientific research teams in international projects in the field of mechanical engineering.

28. 5. 2020

Vzděláváme se za finanční podpory EU

Vzděláváme se za finanční podpory EU

SZÚ realizuje vzdělávání zaměstnanců v období 2019 až 2021 v rámci projektu Vzdělávání 097 SZÚ Brno, registrační číslo CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/19_097/0012973, prioritní osa OPZ: 1 Podpora zaměstnanosti a adaptability pracovní síly.

12. 5. 2020

Change to the position of Director of Inspections

Change to the position of Director of Inspections

To the date of 30th April Mr. Slonek ends as the Director of Inspections. Activities related to this function will be temporarily provided by the director of SZÚ Mr. Tomáš Hruška.

30. 4. 2020

New device for measuring of dust particles

New device for measuring of dust particles

Our Heat and Environment-friendly Equipment test station has a new testing device for measuring of dust particles in the dilution tunnel for EPA certification.

2. 4. 2020

We haven't stoped, we keep working!

We haven't stoped, we keep working!

Due to the serious situation, we have taken the appropriate measures and we keep working.

20. 3. 2020

SZU‘s measures in connection with COVID-19

SZU‘s measures in connection with COVID-19

We are constantly monitoring and evaluating the COVID-19 situation. We have taken a number of measures to help minimize the risk of infection. We do everything we can to ensure that these measures have the least impact on the operation of our business and on running orders.

Our main goal in this situation is to protect the health of our employees and customers.

16. 3. 2020

Článek o SZÚ na

Článek o SZÚ na

Přečtěte si nový článek o naší expanzi na zahraniční trhy připravený ve spolupráci s portálem

12. 3. 2020

Professional training for a new sales representative of the SZU France

Professional training for a new sales representative of the SZU France

Our new sales representative for the French market, Mr. Bertrand Clabecq, received intensive training in Brno.

12. 3. 2020



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