Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.


Our services have received great reviews

Our services have received great reviews

We would like to share with you the extremely valuable feedback on our services. We received a reference from Mr. Ing. Petr Vomáka, from ÚJV Řež, a. s., our business partner, which we appreciate immensely.

20. 2. 2024

Extension of SZÚ authorization by a series of EN 16510 standards

Extension of SZÚ authorization by a series of EN 16510 standards

We announce that we are currently one of the first European laboratories authorized to issue test reports according to the EN 16510 standard. This happened after receiving a notification from the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing (ÚNMZ).

14. 2. 2024

Case study - acceptance testing of industrial pumps for Sigma

Case study - acceptance testing of industrial pumps for Sigma

We present you a case study carried out for the company SIGMA GROUP a.s., a leading manufacturer of heavy industrial pumps and pumping systems. The company entrusted us to perform acceptance tests, which play an important role in verifying the quality and performance of an industrial pumping unit for the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (BLOCK 1) Turkey.

1. 2. 2024



We are pleased to announce that we have been reconfirmed as an accredited test laboratory for the DIN CERTCO mark. As our customers, you can continue to apply for all quality marks listed in the RADMAC system.



29. 1. 2024

Interview: heat pumps and their introduction to the Czech and European market

Interview: heat pumps and their introduction to the Czech and European market

Mario Jankola, our Heating Equipment and Construction Products Manager appeared on ESTAV.CZ digital TV for architecture, construction and housing. 



22. 1. 2024

Harmonisation of the EN 16510 standard

Harmonisation of the EN 16510 standard

On 7 November 2023, the long-awaited citation of the EN 16510 series of standards and their annexes in the Official Journal of the European Union took place.

15. 12. 2023

Inspiration at a prestigious trade fair in Latvia

Inspiration at a prestigious trade fair in Latvia

By participating in the prestigious Latvian trade fair, we gained a deeper insight into the current needs and challenges in our industry.

In this way, we can better tailor our services to the specific needs of our customers and provide exactly what they need.


3. 12. 2023

Successful business trip to South Korea

Successful business trip to South Korea

In November, we had a successful trip to South Korea, which we undertook at the invitation of our valued business partner SZU Korea. The trip was dedicated to conferences focused on hydrogen technology and global trends and approaches to hydrogen fuel cell certification.



1. 12. 2023

SZU on a Business Mission with the President of the Czech Republic

SZU on a Business Mission with the President of the Czech Republic

SZÚ participated in a business mission with President Petr Pavel and President of the Confederation of Industry and Transport Jan Rafaj in Italy.

We were one of 25 companies that participated in the very first mission that Petr Pavel undertook together with Czech companies. Representatives of SZU, Director Tomáš Hruška and Sales Director Ivo Winkler had interesting meetings.



1. 12. 2023

Invitation to Tech Industry 2023, Riga

Invitation to Tech Industry 2023, Riga

SZÚ participates in the most important trade fair event in the Baltics - "Tech Industry 2023" in Riga, Latvia.

This year we will use the unique opportunity of a joint exhibition to present our services to Baltic companies interested in cooperation. Active support and organization of trade fair participation by the foreign office of CzechTrade Baltics attracts attention professional public and increases the chances of success.



29. 11. 2023



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