Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.

Video reference of ALMEVA EAST EUROPE

We would like to thank Mr. Pavel Mareček for his positive evaluation of our cooperation and for his trust in us!    

We greatly appreciate the appreciation of cooperation from Mr. Pavel Mareček, Chairman of the Board of ALMEVA EAST EUROPE, a.s., which was heard in the reportage from the Aquatherm Nitra fair, prepared by the specialized technical video portal

It is great to hear that our cooperation brings real value!

ALMEVA EAST EUROPE is a major manufacturer and supplier of chimney systems in the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe.

Thank you for your trust and we look forward to further joint projects!

SZU team


You can watch the whole interview in this link and its transcript in the text below: 

Pavel Mareček, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ALMEVA EAST EUROPE, is a guest at the Aquatherm Nitra. And since we met in Slovakia, the question also came up about other foreign countries. We have recorded for you Almeva's plans for overseas and their interesting behind the scenes.

Interestingly, the certification for the US market is completely different than in the Czech Republic, not only in terms of the certification process, but also in terms of requirements and of course we are switching to inches, square pounds and degrees Fahrenheit. "At the invitation of the American chimney sweeps, we were at a trade show in Philadelphia, where we saw what the chimney sweep market looks like in America. We went to see chimneys on construction sites in Boston to see how chimneys are made there. And we are starting to certify for the USA," says Pavel Mareček and continues. And, of course, the best way is at home, because it's the easiest. We have the Strojírenský zkušební ústav (SZÚ) in Brno, where we have the best experience from before. So we asked if they were able to help us with this and if it was possible to test with them. We were pleased to hear that they could. And a couple of weeks later the team from Strojírenský zkušební ústav (SZÚ), came back saying that they had studied and were ready."

"The certification of combustion systems at the Strojírenský zkušební ústav (SZÚ) has been going on for a long time and we have always been satisfied.

For example, we have recently certified plastic chimney systems for pure hydrogen gas boilers," Mareček adds. "We have ordered two sets of tests for the US market, one from the user's perspective and one from the ecological perspective. In both cases, the parameters tested are completely different from what we are used to in the EU. And I think the requirements of the US standardisation make more sense. Of course, there will also be certification representatives from the US side at the tests. And we have agreed that more of us can be present at the tests, so you are cordially invited," was the interesting invitation at the end.

So much for Slovakia and its ambitions across the ocean. Thank you for inviting us to SZÚ for the exams, we are happy to accept.




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